How To Create A Craft Class For A Women’s Ministry

How To Create A Craft Class For A Women’s Ministry  It all started a few years ago when I attended a free sewing class at a local church taught by Eva Harp ( I absolutely loved getting together once a month with other like-minded “sewing-crafty” moms who wanted to learn or improve their sewing skills. Well, after God laid it on my heart to start the craft class (read more about that here), I spoke with Eva and asked her {Read More}

Showing Grace To Our Children

Grace we expect it, but how often do we extend it to our families…… I began reading the book of Exodus in the Bible a few weeks ago. As I was having my quiet time alone with God this morning,  He spoke to me clearly about grace. I tend to pray daily and ask God to have grace on me with different situations because I’m  not perfect and tend to mess up in just about every area of my life. {Read More}

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