Moms Making Friends And Growing Our Craft Class


Moms Making Friends And Growing Our Craft Class

One of the main reasons that I started the Mommy Decorates craft class was to build GREAT friendships among women without distractions of kids (read more here).  

I started the Mommy Decorates craft class off with announcements (click here to see my overview of the class), and a  brief devotional about friendships before we dived into our craft. During our devotional time, we learned how to become authentic and vulnerable with our friends, being honest with one another, stop walking on egg-shells around others, making friends a priority, and digging deep in ourselves to show our friends that we care about them. We had a lot of great laughs and shared life with each other during this time.  I can truly say that I walked away with some new friends after class.

I would like to encourage you to make your friends a priority in your life. Here are some simple and practical ways to get started today:

  1. Text a friend and encourage them today.
  2. Write an encouraging note and toss it in the mail for a friend who might be feeling down that day.
  3. Order your friend a pizza and have it delivered for dinner. Surprise – no cooking!
  4. Go on the web and order your friend a bouquet of flowers to help brighten her day. I actually had a sweet friend do that for me a couple of months ago and it was the nicest surprise that lasted for 2-weeks.
  5. If you are going to the park, then text another mom and have her meet you there.
  6. If you are going to an event (like our Mommy Decorates craft class), then invite a friend to join you. Our Mommy Decorates craft class is already growing because you are inviting friends!


Proverbs 17:17 – A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother in times of trouble.


Moms Making Friends And Growing Our Craft Class

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